With a history spanning centuries, the UK has a long and distinguished cider culture. Cider brands face challenges in modernising their image for Gen Z due to their strong relationship with traditional craftsmanship. 
With over 2.5 billion people worldwide, Gen Z is the largest generation in the world, fuelling the eagerness of beverage companies to enter this sector. The need for a fresh and creative strategy to appeal to the growing customer group has led brands to rebrand and use more creative marketing techniques.

CiderSpace is a speculative branding project that explores a new space where cider can exist, breaking convention and pushing the idea of the extraordinary. 
This project focuses on building a unique user experience around the story of CiderSpace, which is based on cider making with star shaped apples that came from comet remnants. 
The space CiderSpace fosters is a common passion for exploration, innovation and exceptional cider, this is what makes the brand unique!
Pearlfisher 'Once in a Blue Moon' competition

6 weeks 

Adobe Photoshop (Ps)
Adobe After Effects (Ae)
Adobe Illustrator (Ai) 
Blender 3D Software 
PR Campaign ‘CiderSpace’ takeover 
The Royal Museums Greenwich stargazing event announcement 
CiderSpace bottle introduced at stargazing event 
Cards handed out with website, socials and further details at the event

Handout card presents attendees with star membership program

Further information on sustainability and the star membership program can be found on CiderSpace's website

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